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【オンライン開催】KGRI 2040 健康寿命延伸プロジェクトシンポジウム: 『グローバル高齢化時代と健康寿命の未来〜現在地とこれから〜』(2022.2.28開催)
【論文紹介】High-frequency and intrinsically stretchable polymer diodes
【論文紹介】Long-term selective stimulation of transplanted neural stem/progenitor cells for spinal cord injury improves locomotor function
【論文紹介】Flexibly Deformable Collagen Hydrogel Tube Reproducing Immunological Tissue Deformation of Blood Vessels as a Pharmacokinetic Testing Model
【論文紹介】Chronic social defeat stress impairs goal-directed behavior through dysregulation of ventral hippocampal activity in male mice
【論文紹介】Genome-wide association study in patients with pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex disease
【論文紹介】Simultaneous crosslinking induces macroscopically phase-separated microgel from a homogeneous mixture of multiple polymers