News & Events

【Cancelled】KGRI Lecture Series: (Mar.10, 2020)
"Structure and Dynamics of Biomembranes "
The First Clinical Study Shows a Key NAD+ Intermediate NMN Safe for Human Use
KGRI Lecture Series: (Feb.6, 2020)
"Big data analyses for supporting integrated care in sleep apnea"
KGRI Lecture Series: (Feb.5, 2020)
"Computation of gaseous detonation waves with losses "
KGRI Great Thinker Series: (Jan.24, 2020)
"Collaborative Pathways to Securing the Cyber Ecosystem"
Could Cytotoxic T-cells be a Key to Longevity?
KGRI Lecture Series: (Jan.21, 2020)
"Using polymorphism to tune properties in organic crystals"
KGRI participate in the 20th Annual Science and Technology Exhibition, KEIO TECHNO-MALL 2019
(Report) KGRI Mini-Symposium: (Dec.13, 2019)
"Preparation against Seasonal Infections in Winter: Countermeasure against Infectious Diseases at the view point of Tokyo Olympic"
KGRI Mini-Symposium: (Dec.13, 2019)
"Preparation against Seasonal Infections in Winter: Countermeasure against Infectious Diseases at the view point of Tokyo Olympic"