
KGRI Lecture Series:(2020.2.6開催)
"Big data analyses for supporting integrated care in sleep apnea"
KGRI Lecture Series:(2020.2.5開催)
"Computation of gaseous detonation waves with losses"
KGRI Great Thinker Series:(2020.1.24開催)
KGRI Lecture Series:(2020.1.21開催)
"Using polymorphism to tune properties in organic crystals (多形を利用した有機結晶の機能制御)"
KGRI Lecture Series:(2019.11.13開催)
"The Future of Internet Governance"
KGRI Lecture Series:(2019.11.12開催)
"Visual motion processing: cell types, circuits, and disease"
【開催報告】The 10th APRU Population Aging Conference A New Paradigm in the Era of the 100-year Life Span: The Search for Social and Scientific Solutions