
KGRI Lecture Series: (Sep.11-12, 2018)
"Optical Technologies for Applications in Regenerative Medicine"
(Report) Mini-Symposium "Global Security ~ Countermeasures against the crisis in the near future" (July.27, 2018)
KGRI Lecture Series: (Aug.3, 2018) #2
"Implantable microdevices for healthcare"
KGRI Lecture Series: (Aug.3, 2018) #1
"Injectable biopolymers for cell and drug delivery in the central nervous system"
(Report) Cyber Civilization Research Center Kick-off Event (July.18, 2018)
KGRI Lecture Series: (Jul.19, 2018)
"Superhydrophobic Coatings Overview"
(Report) KGRI Lecture Series: (Apr.12, 2018)
"Development and Controlling Materials' Surface Functionality by Laser Micro/Nano 3D Structuring"
"Digital Platforms as Mediators for the Construction of Platform Imperialism" Talk (July.10, 2018)
"The Abe Administration and Social (Re)Action" Student Workshop (May.24, 2018)
Keio-APRU Population Ageing Hub Longevity Initiative-
High-Level Policy Discussion Meeting on Challenges Posed by a Rapidly Ageing Society with Dr. Victor J Dzau, President, United States National Academy of Medicine - (Apr.14, 2018)