2018年度 KGRI Working Papers
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Demographic Power: Tiny Titans, Crumbling Giants, and the Missing Link Between Population & Power
No.6 Jonathan Webb
先進諸国を中心に、世界各地において、人口の高齢化が進んでいる。これは一部の新興国にとって発展の原動にはなり、同時に、出産率が低い、少子現象が起きている国々にとって、大きな課題となる。例えば、最も少子高齢化が進んでいる日本の人口は既に減少しつつあり、1990年代と比べ、経済や社会に圧倒的な影響を与えており、国力の弱体と受け捉える。ただ、日本だけでなく、今後何年かして、韓国、中国、台湾、シンガポール等は日本よりも早い高齢化が予測されており、それに伴い、人口減少による様々な問題が生じるであろう。 このような人口動向が、21世紀の国際安全保障環境へ大きな変化をもたらす、重大な要因である。しかしながら、予測できる影響が強大にも関わらず、現在の安全保障論は人口的要因を分析対処として十分に取り入れていない。 本論文では「人口的パワーコンストラクション」という新たなフレームワークを構築し、人口的要因を分析できる安全保障論を提案していく。本フレームワークに基づき歴史的ケーススタディを分析した上、北東アジアの今後のパワーバランスについて仮定し、最後に今後の課題と政策提案を述べる。
Global fertility decline has led to population aging in all of the world's major powers. Japan, at the forefront of population aging, has already seen its population begin to fall, while South Korea, China, Taiwan, and Singapore face the prospect of an even more rapid aging process in the coming decades. Aging populations and population decline will undoubtedly present many of the foremost national security challenges of the 21st century. The existing international relations literature, however, is ill equipped to analyze the impact of demographic change on the international system. This paper introduces a framework called Demographic Power Construction, to address this deficit, and bring demography back into the forefront of security studies. Two historical case studies are followed by an analysis of the situation in Northeast Asia, a brief set of policy recommendations, and concluding remarks.
1. Political Demography 2. International Relations 3. National Security 4. Asia 5. Japan 6. United States 7. Population Aging
Gray Zone Situations in Japan: Focusing on Differences in Understanding between the Ministry of Defense and the Japan Coast Guard
No.5 Masahiro Kihara
1. グレーゾーン 2. 防衛省・自衛隊 3. 海上保安庁 4. ハイブリット戦 5.クロスドメイン
The aim of this research is to theoretically clarify the essence of the "Gray-zone situations." The focus of the thesis is to explore the difference in recognition between the Ministry of Defense and the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) in the Gray-zone situations. By analyzing the formulation process of the "National Defense Program Guidelines for FY 2011 and beyond" and the parliamentary debates at the National Diet, this paper clarifies the deepening process of the recognition towards the gray-zone situations by the Ministry of Defense and JCG. At the same time, the thesis refers the perspectives of the US military towards the gray-zone situations with growing demands to collaborate with the Japan Self Defense Force (JSDF) under the Japan-US Security Treaty in case of emergency. In addition to recognizing of the gray-zone situations in the United States, by comparing the concepts of Russia's "hybrid warfare" and China's "salami slicing tactics" with the recognition of the gray-zone situations in Japan, this paper redefines the Japanese version of "Gray-zone situations." The examination of the gray-zone situations in Japan is based on dealing with the JSDF. However, the "Gray-zone situations" is not a war. The dispatch of the JSDF has the danger of giving the opponent the excuse that Japan has raised escalation. In the gray-zone situations, various means and tactics are exercised in combination. In Japan, a whole of government approach that requires collaboration among ministries and agencies is very weak. The latest National Defense Program Guidelines also points out the possibility that the gray-zone situations will further increase and expand in the future. In the gray-zone situations, the Ministry of Defense and the JCG must share the recognition that it is necessary for law enforcement agencies to deal with it. The National Security Council in Japan should establish a strategy and consider cross-domain response.
1. Gray-zone 2. Ministry of Defense / Japan Self Defense Force
3. Japan Coast Guard 4. Hybrid warfare 5. Cross Domain
The Information Technology Industry in North Korea
No.4 Koichiro Komiyama
There are more than 45 countries that are suspected to have offensive cyber capabilities. North Korea is one of those. WannaCry, ransomware spread all over the world in 2017, was reportedly prepared by group affiliated with North Korean government. This study reviewed the history of North Korean Information and Communications Technology development from 1980s. During Kim Jong-Il's administration, they tried to stretch nation-wide network, to create a semiconductor industry, to expand software development business even in the neighbor countries. In addition, many highly skilled workers were trained. As a result, there was a surplus of engineers. The argument made in this paper is that this surplus of highly-trained engineers may have caused increases in cyberattacks and other activities that led to increasing instability in the region.
Between Internationalism and Isolationism: McGovernism in the U.S. Foreign Policy Tradition
No.3 Mayuko Chashiro
近年、アメリカにおいて孤立主義的傾向が強くなっていると評される。ここでいう孤立主義とは、自国の国益を限定的に定義し、対外介入を躊躇うようになった状態を指す。本稿では、オバマ政権からトランプ政権にかけて、そのような消極的態度が続いていることを指摘する。その上で、これまで対外介入政策の是非を問うたびに、党派性や政治イデオロギーごとその正当性を理由づけ、説明されてきたように、近年見受けられるようになった消極性にも、異なる政治グループによる異なる理由づけがあることを説明する。また、オバマ政権に見られた、民主党・リベラル派の消極性に焦点を当てて、その根源を検討する。本稿は、1972年の民主党大統領候補に指名されたジョージ・マクガヴァン(George McGovern)大統領選挙キャンペーンに遡ることで、民主党・リベラル派の対外介入政策に対する消極性を「マクガヴァン主義」に還元する。さらに、外交において超党派合意(コンセンサス)を前提とすることができなくなった現在において、マクガヴァンからオバマに続く民主党外交の連続性を確認することの重要性を主張する。
A new form of American Isolationism emerged during the Obama Administration as its foreign policy was characterized by its prudent attitudes and its practice of not taking unnecessary steps. Since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017 and implemented his "America First" strategy, it has become very apparent that a different kind of American foreign policy is now in operation. The current restructured American Isolationism can best be explained as the self-imposed creation of distance from international engagement which prioritizes government interests toward domestic rather than foreign affairs. This paper argues that the tendency toward isolationism has been a continuous process from the Obama to the Trump administration. This paper also analyzes the roots of the Obama isolationism: Democrats who have supported isolationism since the Vietnam War, particularly in opposition to military intervention. While both types of isolationism seek to minimize foreign involvement, the Obama style of isolation had different goals that distinguished its world view from Trump's "America First" isolationism. The research presented in this paper approaches the question through the prism of the 1972 Presidential election. In that year, an active political faction and sloganeering within the Democratic Party resulted in the nomination of George McGovern as a presidential candidate. This paper provides a description of the ideological base of McGovernism: a new form of American isolationism which has survived within the Democratic Party since the Vietnam War. This paper shows McGovernism to be one of the foreign policy trends in contemporary politics. There are resemblances between the coalition that won in 2008 and the coalition that lost in 1972. Because of this, the importance of McGovernite politics should increase.
The U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa and Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements, 1945-1951
No.2 Yoko Ikemiyagi
During the occupation of Japan after the end of World War II, the relationship between Japan and the United States changed dramatically. For the first few years, the U.S. government, especially the military, planned to deprive Japan of territorial sovereignty over Okinawa. However, this situation changed due to the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. In concluding the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951, the U.S. government allowed Japan only "residual sovereignty" over Okinawa.
Previous studies have attributed this U.S. government decision to the strategic importance of the U.S. military bases in Okinawa and state that this was why Okinawa was out of the scope of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty signed in 1951. However, there was a possibility that Okinawa would be included in the scope of the new Security Treaty in the future, since Japan had been given residual sovereignty over Okinawa. In this paper, I examine how the policies of the Japanese and U.S. governments concerning Okinawa were related to their vision of the security treaty. This paper argues that there was the possibility that re-armament of Japan could lead to the return of Okinawa to Japan and reduce the number of U.S. military bases in Okinawa..
Evolution of Traceability and Sharing Economies
No.1 Jiro Kokuryo
ICT によるモノやヒトのトレーサビリティ(追跡可能性)の高まりがシェアリングエコノミーの拡大に果たしてきた役割について分析した。ここで「シェアリングエコノミーの拡大」を「(所有権販売型に対する)利用権販売型のビジネスモデルの拡大」と同義で議論している。また、トレーサビリティを「ある物財や知財について財産権や製造物責任を有している主体が、その財がどんな状態にあり,誰が利用しているかについて継続的に確認できる状態」と定義する。基本的論理はICT の進化によってトレーサビリティが高まり、商品が誰によって利用されているかを提供者が把握し続けることができるようになると、売り渡すかわりに、特定の時間内の利用権だけを与え、別の時間には別の利用者に提供するモデルを採用することが容易となって拡大する、というものである。バーコードやモバイル通信の導入とともにトレーサビリティとシェアリングが拡大してきた過程を例示している。
An analysis is offered on the relationship between traceability and sharing economy. Here, sharing economy is synonymous with "expansion of the right of use licensing (as opposed to ownership transfer) business model." Traceability is defined as "a state where the principle owner of property rights or product liability for some physical or intellectual property is able to continuously confirm the state of the property and who is using it." Under low traceability environments, businesses have no choice but to use the ownership sales-oriented business model. However, if advances in ICT realize high traceability environments, they will be able to adopt a model in which products are not sold and transferred, but in which only use rights are granted for a specified time in various form including rentals. Impact of barcodes and mobiles devices are analyzed to illustrate how traceability increased the level of sharing in supply chains.