2020年度 KGRI Working Papers

KGRI Working Paperは、KGRI所員およびKGRI研究プロジェクトのメンバー等が、研究の成果を学術論文や書籍等により正式に発表することに先立ち、Webサイトで公開することにより、研究所内外の研究者による利用、ディスカッションに供することを目的としています。そのため、査読前のもの査読中ものなど、様々なバージョンのものがあります。

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投稿要綱指定書式 (表紙)

Distance learning with trust over open network policy: Nagasaki-Takaoka Model as a case study on distance learning for K12 education in Japan

No.2 Masaki Umejima

December, 2020



Mutual Liberation of Consumers and Technology in the Recorded Music Industry
-A Historical Analysis of the Evolution of Experience Economy-

No.1 Minkyoung Cho and Jiro Kokuryo

October, 2020

This paper describes how business models in the music recording industry have evolved in accordance with technological developments and a changing societal environment. The research initially started with a historical analysis on how new technologies have been reshaping business models to provide a better, or 'liberating,' experience for consumers while unbundling and rebundling various components of the delivery system to secure revenue from the intangible "experience" good. At the theoretical level, this paper aims to establish a generic model for how technology affects business models in the "experience economy." Development of such a framework is important as the business models suited to physical goods are not useful for the rapidly developing experience goods that are delivered digitally. The first phase of the research strongly suggested that not only technologies but also major societal events, most notably those that triggered economic recessions, may have played a role in the development of new forms of business models in the industry that sometimes use technologies that were developed decades before. A second phase of research was conducted to verify how social events played a role in the evolution of business models and technology adoptions that came with it. We found instances of both technology-led evolution AND socially-led innovations. Ultimately, we found that the meaning of 'liberation' in consumer experience has changed throughout history, which acted as the driving force in the development of business models for experience goods like music.


Supply Chain Management in the "With Corona" Age

Seminar Reports No.1 Jiro Kokuryo

June, 2020
