Research Project Keio 2040 (Longevity): Extending Healthy Life Expectancy Project: Establishment of the "KGRI role model for a healthy society with longevity"
This project aims to design a social architecture that interoperably links health care services that utilize various research seeds to achieve a healthy life expectancy in the super-aging population of 2040. We study the problem of realizing the healthcare system from various fields such as medicine, nursing, science and engineering, law, and economics and make proposals for solutions.
About Research Project Keio 2040:
KGRI Establishes the "Research Project Keio 2040"
To Disseminate a Global Standard for Sustainable Aging Societies
KGRI Establishes the "Research Project Keio 2040"
To Disseminate a Global Standard for Sustainable Aging Societies
Press Release:
Olfactory Training Device "yokun" Wins Multiple International Design Awards: Joint project between KGRI and SDM (2023.05.02)
KGRI Establishes the "Research Project Keio 2040" to Disseminate a Global Standard for Sustainable Aging Societies (2021.05.28)
Olfactory Training Device "yokun" Wins Multiple International Design Awards: Joint project between KGRI and SDM (2023.05.02)
KGRI Establishes the "Research Project Keio 2040" to Disseminate a Global Standard for Sustainable Aging Societies (2021.05.28)
Roundtable Discussion:
Challenges for the world's first "super-aged society" ―The design of Japan in 2040 as seen by KGRI― (2021.04.22)
Challenges for the world's first "super-aged society" ―The design of Japan in 2040 as seen by KGRI― (2021.04.22)
Event Report:
International symposium "Is health distributed equally? -Global aging, Healthy aging-" (2022.10.20)
International symposium "Global aging, Healthy aging - Where we are and where we are going-" (2022.02.28)
International symposium "Is health distributed equally? -Global aging, Healthy aging-" (2022.10.20)
International symposium "Global aging, Healthy aging - Where we are and where we are going-" (2022.02.28)
Project Members
About Project Members, ResearchersNote: ◎ indicates the project leader
Name | Affiliation | Position | Field of Specialization/Research Interests |
◎ Masato Yasui | School of Medicine | Professor | Pharmacology, Water channels |
Masako Toriya | KGRI | Project Professor | System design and management, Science technology and innovation policy, New business creation |
Haluna Kawashima | Faculty of General Welfare, Tohoku Fukushi University | Associate Professor | Constitutional law, Medical law |
Yasuhiro Kato | KGRI | Project Senior Assistant Professor | Cell differentiation |
Yasumichi Arai | Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care | Professor | Geriatrics and gerontology, Epidemiology of healthy aging and longevity |
Tsuyoshi Hirose | Graduate School of System Design and Management | Project Assistant Professor | System design and management, Marketing, New business creation |
Yasue Mitsukura | Faculty of Science and Technology | Professor | Bio-signal processing, Intelligent informatics, Sensing, denoising, and feature extraction, Sleep engineering |
Yoshiaki Fukami | Department of International Digital and Design Management, Tokyo University of Science/Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Medicine | Associate Professor/ Researcher | Platform strategy, Standardization, Collaborative innovation |
Tetsuya Toma | Graduate School of System Design and Management | Professor | Program/project management and communication design for communities such as medical/health care, education or local resource utilization |
Urara Satake | Graduate School of System Design and Management | Project Assistant Professor | Systems design and management, Creation of weak ties among neighbors, Reciprocical social system, Subjective wellbeing in local communites, New business creation |
Mitsuru Ide | SDM Research Institute | Researcher | System Design and Management, Human Resources Development, Brand Management |
Haruka Suzuki | SDM Research Institute | Researcher | Planning Theory, Synthesis, HMI, Generic Capabilities, Systematics, "Exellent Systems", Lateral Knowledge Design, Evaluation and Assessment, Biomimetics, Human Factors, History of Wisdoms |
Toru Kimura | SDM Research Institute | Researcher | System Design and Management, Business Ethics, Organizational Scandals, Internal Governance |
Kayoko Narazaki | SDM Research Institute | Researcher | System Design and Management, Organizational management, Regional revitalization, Medical policy, Human Resource Development |
Maki Fukuhara | SDM Research Institute | Researcher | Medical policy, Nursing care policy, System design management, Organizational management, Diversity |
Shingo Kawai | Faculty of Information Design, Tokyo Information Design Professional University | Professor | Optical communications, Technology strategy in telecommunications industries, Innovation dynamics, and Application of ICT technologies to future smart cities/societies |
Akihiro Kitahara | System Design and Management, Systems Engineering, Systems thinking, Art Thinking | ||
Atsushi Iwakura | Functional safety certification, software development process, System simulation, System Design and Management | ||
Chizuru Nakajima | System Design and Management, Diversity & Inclusion, Developmental Disorder, Vulnerability | ||
Kenji Fujii | Design Thinking, System Design/Management, Art Education, Creativity Education | ||
Yasuko Imamura | System Design and Management, Customer Delight, Customer Service | ||
Tsubasa Ito | Graduate School of System Design and Management | Project Assistant Professor | System Design and Management, Community design, Learning theory |
Lee Kyunghee | Health Informatics, Health Policy, Medical Sociology, Behavioral Science, Dentistry | ||
Sun Jie | Institute for Gerontology,J.F.Oberlin Unlversity | Collaborative Researcher | Gerontology |
Yoshinori Washitani | SDM Research Institute | Researcher | Research and analysis of structural issues (digital utilization) related to healthcare |
Toshiharu Ikaga | Faculty of Science and Technology | Professor | Sustainable architectural environmental design engineering, Life cycle assessment (LCA), Comprehensive assessment system for built environment efficiency (CASBEE), Intellectual productivity, Mental and physical health |
Shintaro Ando | Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu | Associate Professor | Effect of thermal environment on health, Effect of community environment on physical activity |
Eriko Aoyama | Chewing News Co., Ltd | Director | System design and management, Local community, communication |
Hotaka Yonezawa | Smile Spirits | Representative | Sports analyzing coach, Performance analysis |
Kan Suzuki | Graduate School of Puplic Policy, The University of Tokyo / Graduate School of Media and Governance | Professor / Project Professor | Public policy, Healthcare, Science, Technology and innovation policy |
Yoshiki Yamagata | Graduate School of System Design and Management | Professor | Sustainable future societies, Urban resilience, Zero carbon cities, Bigdata and AI |
Yoshimasa Masuda | Graduate School of Media and Governance / Graduate School of System Design and Management | Project Professor / Lecturer | Architecture for digital transformation |
Donald S. Shepard | Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University | Professor | Health economics, Health policy, Behavioral economics |
Amane Koizumi | National Institutes of Natural Sciences | Project Professor | University research performance, Science and technology policy |
Masashi Shirabe | Institute for Liberal Arts, Tokyo Institute of Technology | Professor | Theoretical study on models in Scientometrics, Governance of science and technology |