- 2021.05.12
- News Longevity 11th APRU Population Aging Conference Report
- 2021.05.12
- News Longevity APRU Population Aging Research Hub 2018- 2020 Summing Up Report by KGRI under the Longevity Initiative
- 2021.05.10
- News Integration 3rd Anniversary of CCRC: Interview with Dave Farber and Jun Murai
- 2021.05.10
- News Integration [Renewal] CCRC Website
- 2021.04.13
- News Integration The Establishment of "The Platform Economy and the Sustainable Society " Working Group under CCRC
- 2021.02.16
- News Integration [Interview with Professor Jun Murai] "Just as I did 40 years ago, today I continue to muse upon how computers can help people" The father of the internet in Japan, the past 40 years, and the future to come
- 2021.02.09
- News Integration The 2nd David Farber Prize Winner Announcement
- 2021.01.29
- News Longevity Security Creativity [Website release] Keio University Global Engagement
- 2020.10.13
- News Longevity "Associations of cardiovascular biomarkers and plasma albumin with exceptional survival to the highest ages" selected as an article for Nature Research's online collection
- 2020.09.01
- News Integration [Deadline extended to Dec 31] Call for Submissions: Undergraduate Student Essays (Cyber Civilization Research Center)