[ONLINE WEBINAR] KGRI 2040 "Extending Healthy Life Expectancy Project" Symposium : "Global aging, Healthy aging -Where we are and where we are going-" (February 28, 2022)
2022.02.08Hosted by the Extending Healthy Life Expectancy Project Team, Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) International Symposium: Global aging, Healthy aging -Where we are and where we are going-
Date and time: Monday, February 28, 2022 19:30 - 21:30 (Japanese time) Place:Online (Zoom)
Language:English (Simultaneous interpretation)
Participation fee:Free
Registration:Register online in advance from this URL Registration is closed. Note: Zoom URL for the symposium will be in the automatically generated confirmation email that will be sent to the email address provided in the registration form. The confirmation email can land in a folder other than Inbox, such as spam folder. If you do not receive the confirmation email within 24 hours of your registration, please check other folders.
Click here to view the event poster
Inquiries: The Extending Healthy Life Expectancy Project Team, Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) Email: kgri_2040pj[at]info.keio.ac.jp Please replace [at] with @ in the email address.
Content As the Japanese population aged over 65 is projected to reach 40 million by 2040, it is urgent to promote prolonged healthy aging in Japan. Now it is time to globally reconsider the meaning of "healthy aging". We invite researchers in various sectors around the world and discuss what is "healthy aging" and what we can do now for our own later life. We will invite Dr. Douglas K. Sato from Brazil who is neurologist specialized in gerontology, Dr. Daniel Holman from England who specializes in social sciences especially with respect to health inequalities and aging, and Dr. Yasumichi Arai from Japan who has been studying extensively on health of centenarians and its influencing factors from various perspectives. With Dr. Jin Nakahara, neurologist and the project leader of the Extending Healthy Life Expectancy Project, they will discuss the future of healthy aging and healthy life expectancy.
Program Opening remarks: Professor Masato Yasui (School of Medicine, Keio University; KGRI director) Lecture: Professor Jin Nakahara (School of Medicine, Keio University; KGRI deputy director) Lecture: Professor Yasumichi Arai (Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care; Graduate School of Health Management; Center for Supercentenarian Medial Research, School of Medicine, Keio University) Lecture: Dr Daniel Holman (Research Fellow, Healthy Lifespan Institute; Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield) Lecture: Professor Douglas K.Sato (Director, Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology; School of Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul) Discussion・Q&A Emcee: Masako Toriya, Project Professor, KGRI