
Security in Society 5.0: Possibilities and Pitfalls (Apr.23, 2019)


Co-organized by Cyber Civilization Research Center, Keio University and the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University.

The Japanese government and Keidanren have adopted the concept of 'Society 5.0' as a key goal for the country. Through the integration of the physical and cyber realms, technological advances can be used to address existing economic and social problems. This idea of 'Society 5.0' sees technological change and advancement as overwhelmingly something positive and controllable, offering solutions to many of the big challenges Japan and other developed countries are facing. Yet such a perspective downplays many potential dangers that come from cyber and AI becoming so deeply integrated into the functioning of society. The use of big data and algorithms give rise to concerns about surveillance and manipulation, while the potential social ramifications of AI are only starting to be comprehended. This event seeks to interrogate the assumptions and logic underpinning the Society 5.0 concept, focusing on the viability of this approach, as well as exploring some of the potential risks posed by a greater reliance on cyberspace and AI. There will be 2 panels featuring presentations and discussion from a range of experts from the social and computer sciences.

Date & time: Tuesday April 23, 2019, 13:30-16:30 (Open 12:30)
Venue: East Research Building 6F "G-Lab", Mita Campus, Keio University
Language: English
Details: https://www.ccrc.keio.ac.jp/security-in-society-5/
Click here.
Open to anyone. No admission fee.

12:30 - 13:00 Registration
13:00 - 13:15 Introduction (David Farber, Christopher Hobson and Tobias Burgers)
13:15 - 14:30 Ethical Considerations for Society 5.0
*Presenter: Toni Erskine (Australian National University)
*Presenter: Jiro Kokuryo (Keio University)
*Presenter: Arisa Ema (Tokyo University)
*Presenter: Moritz Marutschke (Ritsumeikan University)
*Discussant: David Farber (Keio University)

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 - 16:15 Moving Towards Society 5.0
*Presenter: Andrew DeWit (Rikkyo University)
*Presenter: Masaki Umejima (Keio University)
*Presenter: Christopher Hobson (Australian National University)
*Presenter: Hokuto Osaka (METI)
*Discussant: Robert Fahey (Waseda University)

16:15 - 16:30 Conclusion (Christopher Hobson and Tobias Burgers)

I19-01 Cyber Civilization Research Center
Cherry Wong (e-mail: event[at]www.ccrc.keio.ac.jp)
Please replace "[at]" with "@".