"The Emerging Social Order of Data Colonialism: Why Critical Social Theory Still Matters!" Talk (Apr.16, 2019)
2019.04.16Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) aims to promote international research and educational exchange and holds events by inviting those working in forefront.
On this occasion, Prof. Nick Couldry from London School of Economics and Political Science delivers a talk titled "The Emerging Social Order of Data Colonialism: Why Critical Social Theory Still Matters!".
Date & time: Tueseday, April 16, 14:45-16:15 (Open 14:15)
Venue: East Research Building 6F "G-Lab", Mita Campus, Keio University
Capacity: 80 persons
Host: Keio University Global Research Institute's Security Initiative: Risk Society and the Media
Language: English (No simultaneous interpretation provided)
Other: Open to anyone. No admission fee, Pre-registration not required.
S19-02 Core Projects, Security Initiative "Risk Society and the Media"
Yuki Arisawa (e-mail: yuki-arisawa[at]keio.jp)
Please replace "[at]" with "@".