浅井 誠
こんにちは、みなさん。私は2021年4月から慶應義塾大学グローバルリサーチインスティチュート(KGRI)の特任教授として着任しました。私の専門は、ソフトマター(柔らかい物質群の総称)の自己組織化現象です。柔らかさに起因するエントロピー誘起の相互作用は、生命現象を司る様々な自己組織化現象を解く鍵であり、そこから生まれる新しいソフトマター工学の創成を目指しています。現在は、「革新的ソフトマター総合プロジェクト(Revolutionary Interdisciplinary Soft Matter Integration Project: RISΣ Project)」を立ち上げ、30名以上のソフトマター研究者を集結させたチームを牽引しています。2040年、世界に先駆けて超高齢化社会に突入する日本が克服すべき様々な国家的課題を、慶應義塾に集う叡智を結集して解決を目指す2040独立自尊プロジェクトの中で、RISΣプロジェクトでは、最先端テクノロジーの立場から未来への解決策を模索します。「人間と機械の融合/共生」という一つのコンセプトのもとに、私の専門であるソフトマター技術を社会実装するプロジェクトとして、様々な分野の最先端研究者たちが「ソフトマターが切り拓く持続可能な社会とは何か?」という問いのもとで、多彩な才能がぶつかり合い、社会を変革する新たなエネルギーが生まれています。

- I. Fujinaga, Takashi Yasuda, M. Asai, U. Chung, T. Sakai. "Cluster growth from a dilute system in a percolation process," Polymer J., doi:10.1038/s41428-019-0279-z, 2019
- M. Asai, D. Zhao, S. K. Kumar. "Accurate Estimation of the Polymer Coverage of Hairy Nanoparticles," Soft Matter, vol. 14, no. 38, pp. 7906-7915, 2018 (Journal Cover)
- M. Asai, A. Cacciuto, S. K. Kumar. "Surface Fluctuations Dominate the Slow Glassy Dynamics of Polymer-Grafted Colloid Assemblies," ACS Cent. Sci., vol.4, no.9, pp.1179-1184, 2018
- M. Asai, D. Zhao, S. K. Kumar. "Role of Grafting Mechanism on the Polymer Coverage and Self-Assembly of Hairy Nanoparticles," ACS Nano, vol.11, no.7, pp.7028-7035, 2017
- N. Bachhar, Y. Jiao, M. Asai, P. Akcora, R. Bandyopadhyaya, S. K. Kumar, "Impact of the Distributions of Core Size and Grafting Density on the Self-Assembly of Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles," Macromolecules, vol. 50, no. 19, pp. 7730-7738, 2017 (Editor's Choice)
- C. R. Bilchak, E. Buenning, K. Zhang, M. Asai, C. J. Durning, S. K. Kumar, Y. Huang, B. C. Benicewicz, D. W. Gidley, S. Cheng, A. P. Sokolov, F. Doghieri, M. Minelli, "Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Membranes with Controllable Free-Volume," Macromolecules, vol. 50, no. 18, pp. 7111-7120, 2017
- M. Asai, T. Katashima, T. Sakai, M. Shibayama. "Supercoiling transformation of chemical gels," Soft Matter, vol.11, no.36, pp.7101-7108, 2015 (Journal Cover)
- M. Asai, A. Cacciuto, S. K. Kumar. "Quantitative Analogy Between Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles and Patchy Particles," Soft Matter, vol.11, no.4, pp.793-797, 2014
- T. Katashima, M. Asai, K. Urayama, U. Chung, T. Sakai. "Mechanical properties of tetra-PEG gels with supercoiled network structure," J. Chem. Phys, vol.140, no.7, 074902, 2014
- K. Takagi, S. Murayama, T. Sakai, M. Asai, T. Santa, M. Kato. "A computer simulation of the networked structure of a hydrogel prepared from a tetra-armed star pre-polymer," Soft Matter, vol.10, pp.3553-3559, 2014
- M. Asai, T. Katashima, U. Chung, T. Sakai, M. Shibayama, "Correlation between Local and Global Inhomogeneities of Chemical Gels," Macromolecules, vol.46, no.24, pp.9772-9781, 2013
- A. Sugimura, M. Asai, T. Matsunaga, Y. Akagi, T. Sakai, H. Noguchi, M. Shibayama, "Mechanical properties of a polymer network of Tetra-PEG gel," Polymer J., vol.45, no.3, pp.300-306, 2012
- Y. Akimoto, M. Asai, K. Koike, K. Makino, Y. Koike, "Poly(styrene)-based graded-index plastic optical fiber for home networks," Opt. Lett., vol.37, no.11, pp.1853-1855, 2012
- M. Asai, Y. Yamaki, S. Takahashi, Y. Koike, "High-thermally stable and high-bandwidth graded index plastic optical fiber for vehicle networks," J. Polym. Sci. Part B Polym. Phys., vol.49, no.20, pp.1464-1469, 2011 (Journal Cover)
- M. Asai, M. Shibayama, Y. Koike, "Common Origin of Dynamics Heterogeneity and Cooperatively Rearranging Region in Polymer Melts," Macromolecules, vol.44, no.16, pp.6615-6624, 2011
- M. Asai, Y. Inuzuka, K. Koike, S. Takahashi, Y. Koike, "High-Bandwidth Graded-Index Plastic Optical Fiber With Low-Attenuation, High-Bending Ability, and High-Thermal Stability for Home-Networks," J. Lightwave Technol., vol.29, no.11, pp.1620-1626, 2011
- M. Asai, Y. Mukawa, S. Takahashi, Y. Koike, "Methodological Approach To Control the Refractive Index Profile of Graded-Index Polymer Optical Fiber," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., vol.50, no.7, pp.3895-3899, 2011
- M. Asai, M. Awata, Y. Koike, "Effects of Rotation of Benzene Rings on Diffusion of Solvents in Polymer Melts," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., vol.50, no.6, pp.3280-3286, 2011
- Y. Yamaki, M. Asai, S. Takahashi, Y. Koike, "Novel Dopant for Graded-Index Polymer Optical Fiber with High-Thermal Stability," Applied Physics Express, vol.3, no.7, 2010
- Y. Koike, M. Asai, "The future of plastic optical fiber," NPG Asia Mater., vol.1, no.1, pp.22-28, 2009 (Invited Paper)
- R. Hirose, M. Asai, A. Kondo, Y. Koike, "Graded-index plastic optical fiber prepared by the coextrusion process," Appl. Opt., vol.47, no.22, pp.4177-4185, 2008
- M. Asai, K. Nehashi, Y. Koike, "Control of Refractive Index Distribution for High-Bandwidth Graded Index Plastic Optical Fiber," J. Lightwave Technol., vol.26, no.16, pp.2909-2918, 2008
- M. Asai, R. Hirose, A. Kondo, Y. Koike, "High-Bandwidth Graded-Index Plastic Optical Fiber by the Dopant Diffusion Coextrusion Process," J. Lightwave Technol., vol.25, no.10, pp.3062-3067, 2007
- Y. Koike, T. Ishigure, M. Asai, R. Hirose, A. Kondoh, S. Takahashi, "The Status of POF Technology," Optical Communication, pp.1-4, 2007
- H. Ryoma, M. Asai, A. Kondo, Y. Koike. "Preparation of graded-index plastic optical fiber by co-extrusion process," Organic Photonic Materials and Devices IX, vol. 6470, pp.64700K, 2007
- A. Kondo, M. Asai, R. Hirose, T. Ishigure, Y. Koike, "Fabrication process of graded-index polymer optical fiber prepared by co-extrusion process," SPSJ Annual Meeting on Macromolecules, pp. 1351, 2005
- R. Hirose, M. Asai, A. Kondo, T. Ishigure, Y. Koike, "Preparation of GI-POF by the co-extrusion process," SPSJ Annual Meeting on Macromolecules, pp. 4053, 2005
- A. Kondo, M. Asai, R. Hirose, T. Ishigure, Y. Koike, "GI-POF Prepared by the Dopant Diffusion Co-extrusion Process," Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, vol.34, no.1, pp.71, 2006.