
[Event Report] Challenges from Braintech in Our Society : Legal Perspective on Neuroscience and the Future Technology Frontier (held on October 16, 2023)


On October 16, 2023, the workshop for the above title was held in Seoul.

In Japan, a national project, Moonshot Goal 1, started to promote the research of neuroscience and the development of its technologies in 2021. Under the umbrella of this project, IoB-S ("Internet-of-Brains"-Society) has been conducting ELSI on the current state and future of braintech such as BMI, BA, and CA. As the project facilitator of IoB-S, Prof. Komamura introduced the trend of braintech, and shared with Korean colleagues and friends the new trend of legal studies on it, Neurolaw, and the implications it brings. A diverse audience including medical scientists, legal scholars, cognitive psychologists, and medical law scholars gathered for a lively discussion.
This event was co-hosted by Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine and IoB-S.

* IoB-S ("Internet-of-Brains"-Society)
* Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine
[Date] October 16, 2023
[Venue] Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine (Seoul)
* Keigo KOMAMURA (Professor of Law, the Faculty of Law, Keio University)
* Masatoshi KOKUBO (Researcher, Keio University Graduate School of Law)

Two speakers: Professor Keigo Komamura (the Faculty of Law, Keio Univ.) and
Mr. Masatoshi Kokubo (Researcher, the Graduate School of Law, Keio Univ.)

With the professors and reseachers of Yonsei University College of Medicine
who participated in the workshop

HP: IoB-S ("Internet of Brains"-Society)
e-mail: iob.society.office@gmail.com