[Event Report] Challenges from Braintech in Our Society : Legal Perspective on Neuroscience and the Future Technology Frontier (held on October 16, 2023)
2023.11.22On October 16, 2023, the workshop for the above title was held in Seoul.
In Japan, a national project, Moonshot Goal 1, started to promote the research of neuroscience and the development of its technologies in 2021. Under the umbrella of this project, IoB-S ("Internet-of-Brains"-Society) has been conducting ELSI on the current state and future of braintech such as BMI, BA, and CA. As the project facilitator of IoB-S, Prof. Komamura introduced the trend of braintech, and shared with Korean colleagues and friends the new trend of legal studies on it, Neurolaw, and the implications it brings. A diverse audience including medical scientists, legal scholars, cognitive psychologists, and medical law scholars gathered for a lively discussion.
This event was co-hosted by Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine and IoB-S.
* IoB-S ("Internet-of-Brains"-Society)
* Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine
[Date] October 16, 2023
[Venue] Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, Yonsei University College of Medicine (Seoul)
* Keigo KOMAMURA (Professor of Law, the Faculty of Law, Keio University)
* Masatoshi KOKUBO (Researcher, Keio University Graduate School of Law)
Mr. Masatoshi Kokubo (Researcher, the Graduate School of Law, Keio Univ.)
who participated in the workshop
HP: IoB-S ("Internet of Brains"-Society)
e-mail: iob.society.office@gmail.com