KGRI Lecture Series: (Feb.5, 2020)"Computation of gaseous detonation waves with losses "
2020.02.05Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) aims to promote international research and educational exchange and invites those working in the forefront of research and education in Japan and overseas to give lectures.
On this occasion, Prof. Ashwin Chinnayya from ISAE-ENSMA(École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechnique)in France will give a lecture titled "Computation of gaseous detonation waves with losses".
Date & time: Wednesday, February 5, 13:30-14:30 (Open 13:15)
Venue: 16th Building-A 3F Meeting Room, Yagami Campus, Keio University
Host:Keio University Global Research Institute's Creativity Initiative
Language: English (No simultaneous interpretation provided)
Other: Open to anyone. No admission fee, Pre-registration not required.
Summary of Lecture:
Gaseous detonations consist of shock waves sustained by the energy release due to a chemical mechanism. The large pressures generated can thus be harmful to goods and persons, but on the other hand, can provide a formidable opportunity to generate thrust for propulsion applications.
The talk will focus on the conditions at which the detonations can propagate, and more specifically, the structure of the flowfield of these reactive fronts when subjected to losses, which can lead to its failure.
Two specific non-ideal configurations will be discussed: the propagation of detonations in narrow channels and detonations bounded by an inert layer. Moreover, we will examine the influence of the modeling of the chemical kinetics as well as the equation of state. Then, we will examine to which extent the hydrodynamic thickness can be used as a characteristic length scale in the analysis of the detonation propagation process.
Ashwin Chinnayya, PhD, is an expert in detonation and compressible fluid, with special interest in non ideal detonation, detonation confined by an inert gas layer. He holds a professorship for ISAE-ENSMA Poitiers, Institut Pprime, Fluid Thermal Combustion Department Detonation team and is a head of the Energetics department of ISAE-ENSMA and is this year Distinguished Guest Professor (Global) at Keio University, Japan.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology
E-mail: matsuo[at]
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