KGRI Lecture Series: (May.16-19, 2017) Keio Medicine Centennial Special Lecture Series "From Ribosomes and the Genome Project to the Nature of Aging, highlighting his distinguished scientific career in molecular biology over 60 years"
2017.05.22The Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) aims to promote international research and educational exchange and invites those working in the forefront of research and education in Japan and overseas to give lectures.
Keio University School of Medicine was founded in 1917. As a part of the events to commemorate the 100-year history of the Keio University School of Medicine, we are pleased to invite Dr. David Schlessinger, NIH Distinguished Investigator, National Institute on Aging, to give a series of four lectures.
Speaker: Dr. David Schlessinger, NIH Distinguished Investigator, National Institute on Aging
Venue: 16th Building-A 3F Meeting Room, Yagami Campus, Keio University
Co-hosts:Keio University School of Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, and Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI)
Language: English (No simultaneous interpretation provided.)
Other: Free admission, Open to anyone, Pre-registration not required
LECTURE 1, Tuesday, May 16, 16:30-18:00
"Genetics of age-associated conditions in a Sardinian population cohort (SardiNIA)"
Outline of Lecture:
Longitudinal study of a favorable population. Utility of focus on population-prevalent traits and genetic diseases, both cardiovascular traits and thalassemias and autoimmunity.
Hosts: Professors Minoru Ko and Toru Takebayashi
LECTURE 2, Wednesday, May 17, 16:30-18:00
"Developmental genomics and genetics: the model of skin appendages"
Outline of Lecture:
Many of the same signaling pathways are used to regulate different developmental systems. How do they become specific, and what goes wrong in genetic pathologies? Example of developmental genomics and genetics in the cascade of skin appendage formation and function.
Hosts: Professors Minoru Ko and Masayuki Amagai
LECTURE 3, Thursday, May 18, 16:30-18:00
"rDNA and the start and completion of the Genome Project"
Outline of Lecture:
Starting from Crick's postulate, the years from 1957-1985 saw the analysis of ribosome structure and stability; processing of rRNA precursors and formation and metabolism of polyribosomes; anti-ribosomal antibiotic mechanisms; and transcriptional control. Comparable work on mammalian ribosomes began, but structural analysis was stymied by the instability and high repetitiveness of rDNA, and the dogma that all ribosomes are identical. Partially to investigate large regions like rDNA in the context of the Human Genome Project, the Center for Genetics in Medicine was organized at Washington University. Importance of logistics and organization. How to do the project? Mapping the X chromosome and the turn to disease gene finding and sequencing. Open opportunities: use of intact genes in artificial chromosomes. NOW: overcoming the block to return to and finish the Genome Project in rDNA regions: resumption of analyses with modern TAR cloning; current assembly of rDNA acrocentric chromosome Open opportunities: the rDNA/nucleoli Project.
Hosts: Professors Minoru Ko and Haruhiko Siomi
LECTURE 4, Friday, May 19, 16:30-18:00
"Genetics and rates of aging: quantifying loss of reserve"
Outline of Lecture:
Five questions about the nature of aging and its relation to disease. Ovary, kidney: models to define aging in terms of reserve. Measures of "aging status" and "rates of aging" using trait-based markers and machine learning. Answers to the five questions about aging.
Hosts: Professors Minoru Ko and Mamoru Tanaka
Biography of Dr. David Schlessinger:
David Schlessinger, Ph.D. is NIH Distinguished Investigator, National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Schlessinger has carried out outstanding research, with major innovations in several fields, taught a generation of medical school classes in Microbiology and Immunology and trained over 300 fellows at Washington University School of Medicine over a 35-year period and at the NIA/NIH over a 20-year period. Dr. Schlessinger has achieved landmark results in basic molecular biology, in the understanding of the mechanism of action of antibiotics, and in human genetics and genomics and their application to pathophysiology. Dr. Schlessinger is one of the 1% of NIH Distinguished Investigators, and listed as one of "The World's Most Influential Scientific Minds 2016" (
National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health (NIH):
The National Institute on Aging, one of the United States' leading research institutes, was established in 1974 to lead the United States government in conducting and supporting research on aging and gerontology. Throughout the institute's history, it has explored genetic, biological, clinical, behavioral, social, and economic research on aging while fostering the development of researchers and clinicians.
Department of Systems Medicine, The Mitsunada Sakaguchi Laboratory, Keio University School of Medicine