"The Book in Transition, the East and the West" Symposium(Dec, 9. 2017)
2017.11.06The Integrated Database for Bibliographical and Visual Analyses of Early Printing in Europe project (research project leader: Associate Professor Satoko Tokunaga of the Faculty of Letters) under Keio University's Creativity Initiative wil hold a symposium by a theme as "The Book in Transition, the East and the West"
Historically, the introduction of a new means or material in book production has led to a change in form, use, perception and even meaning of the book. This process, however, is by no means straightforward and varies among communities.
This interdisciplinary/intercultural symposium examines the impact of shifts and developments in the production, reception, and interaction of books in the early modern period, with a focus on the moments when typography was introduced to the Eastern and Western cultures, respectively.
Date & Time: Saturday, December 9, 2017 10:00-18:00
Venue: G-Lab, East Building (6F), Mita Campus, Keio University
Language: English
(English-Japanese translation provided in the Q&A session only)
Registration and Details of the Event
Registration period: November 1 - December 5, 2017
Other: Free admission, Open to the general public
The Book in Transition
Mayumi Ikeda (e-mail: BookTrans-group@keio.jp)